
Customized Skin Care Consultations in Plano, Texas

Customized Skin Care Consultations in Plano, TX

A Consultation can help you
address multiple concerns at once.

Get personalized skin care consultations at Rumi Aesthetics in Plano, Texas. Our experts tailor skincare routines to address your unique needs. Schedule your consultation today!

You deserve to love the skin you’re in. While there’s no such thing as perfection, customized skin care consultations can get you pretty darn close. Whether you’re looking to correct a specific concern or simply want to give your complexion a much-needed refresh, our beauty providers can design a plan that’s tailored just for you.

Of course, there is no magic bullet that serves as a solution to all your skincare problems, however, a customized skin care consultation can help you address multiple concerns at once. By combining different modalities, for example a mix of laser skin resurfacing, injectables and chemical peels, we can help you achieve more comprehensive results.

Once you’ve achieved your desired results, it’s important to maintain them. A customized skin care consultation can help you do just that. For example, if you’ve had laser skin resurfacing to improve the appearance of sun damage and wrinkles, you’ll need to protect your skin from the sun going forward. We can recommend the right sunscreen and skincare products to help you maintain your results and prevent further damage.

Once that’s established, we will make sure to help you achieve a result that looks natural and perfect for you – this means we will develop the treatment plan around your actual skin condition so we know what treatments and products are exactly for your skin type. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all approaches to cosmetic dermatology. This is the beauty of a customized skin care consultation.

At Rumi Aesthetics, we believe that less is more. We’ll never recommend a treatment or procedure that isn’t right for you. Instead, we’ll work with you to develop a plan that helps you reach your goals in the most natural-looking way possible.

If you’re not sure where to start, we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our cosmetic dermatology providers. We’ll assess your individual needs and recommend the best treatments for you.

Experience an upgrade in your skin care routine and your skin will love you for going beyond the basics. Call us at (219) 765-0465 or visit our website at Rumi Aesthetics to schedule your personal consultation.

Service Time

A consultation depends on the degree of your skin condition, but it should not last for more than 1 hour! You can drop by during your lunch then you can go ahead and go back to your day!

Recovery Time

Recovery time usually depends on the treatments recommended to you based on your assessment results. However, we prioritize to suggest treatments and products that have only minimal to no downtime at all.


With constant and religious following of recommended maintenance, results may show up immediately after your treatments! Each individual result may vary because of different skin types, but it won’t take long for you to feel the results in just a few days or weeks!


Your skin will feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and overall glowing and radiant! A customized skin care consultation will enable you to get rid of any blemishes resulting in a smoother, and more youthful appearance of your skin!

Try Skin Care Consultations in Plano, Texas at
Rumi Aesthetics

If you’re ready to book a consultation, complete the form or call (214) 894-4533 We’ll develop a customized treatment plan & answer any remaining questions you have about Customized Skin Care Consultations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does a Customized Skin Care Consultation work?

We will first perform a detailed and thorough assessment of your current skin condition for us to determine what your skin type is, and what problems we need to address. With the results of the assessment, we will then be able to come up with a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

What are the benefits?

A Customized Skin Care Consultation mainly addresses multiple skin concerns at once, meaning any issue will not be left untreated with a consultation. Next is it helps you maintain your results since products may be recommended to you for maintenance, and lastly it provides you with a more natural-looking result since it is specifically designed to treat YOUR own skin condition.

What treatments are included in a Skin Care Consultation?

It really depends on the skin condition issues that are presented with the assessment. A combination of two or more treatments and skin care products may be recommended to you based on what areas or issues you want to treat. We will make sure that you are not suggested any treatment or skin care products you are not comfortable with.

How long does the procedure take?

The initial consultation will not take more than 30 minutes! You can drop by on your lunch time then go ahead with your day. The following procedures will depend on your availability and treatment plan.

When will I see results?

By following the treatment plan consistently and using the recommended products as suggested, patients will immediately and gradually feel more refreshed and rejuvenated and will usually see more “glow” to their treatment areas.

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